The Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB) chairperson, Prof Mary Okwakol has Thursday revealed that non-Universal Primary Education (UPE) candidates performed better than UPE candidates in 2016.
Prof Okwakol noted that new districts were UPE schools are most dominant like Kaliro, Mayuge, Kween, Luuka, Buyende Serere, Namutumba, Bulabuli, Kyankwanzi, were worst performing districts while the traditional giants Entebbe, Rukungiri, Jinja, Kabale, Masaka, Mbarara did well again with just over 2% of their registered students under the pass rate.
A total of 63,400 candidates while Division two had 25,1787 of the 640,833 candidates who sat from 12,391 centre registered for 2016 PLE. Urban schools performed better than rural schools, with non-UPE candidates shown to have performed better than their UPE counterparts.
UNEB has withheld examination results of at least 1,886 candidates as boys did better than girls with 541,089 (87percent) passing compared to 517,889(86.2percent) previous year. The same results indicate that over 50% of the candidates who sat for the 2016 PLE are female.

According to Daniel Nokrach Odongo the UNEB Executive Secretary, results of 1,886 candidates were withheld pending investigation and further hearing. Odongo said that boys performed better than girls with their failure rate at 5.3% and that of girls at 7.7%.
Distinction performance in English rose from 10 to 11.5%, SST from 5.8 to 10.3%, Math from 3.9 to 4.5%. Science dropped by 7%.
As it has been the norm to highlight the performance of the inmates in Luzira prison, hesaid that of the 69 inmates who sat for the 2016 exams at Luzira Upper Prison, 2 passed with Division 1, 32 Division 2, and 3 failed.
The UNEB secretary said, distinction performance in English rose from 10% to 11.5%, Social studies from 5.8% to 10.3%, Math from 3.9% to 4.5% and Science dropped by 7%.
The UNEB chairperson Prof. Okwakol decried the rate at which people are misusing social media releasing wrong information purpoted to be from the Board management.
“UNEB doesn’t release official communication regarding the release of results via social media,” he said.
Janet Museveni proposes teaching mother tongue
While delivering her speech, Education minister and first lady Janet Kataaha Musevenicalled upon the nation to teach their children to read and write in their mother tongues to enable them learn other languages efficiently.
She said that very many people who were taught using the same model like her have been successful and called upon the nation to adopt the same.
She decried the high level of early marriages and teenage pregnancies which continue to hinder the education of the girl child in Uganda.
Senior One selection will take place on January 24 and 25.
Am waiting for my son
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