EXCLUSIVE: Tycoon Ntaganda ‘stealing’ Nakasero Primary School land

EXCLUSIVE: Tycoon Ntaganda ‘stealing’ Nakasero Primary School land
Eazzy Banking

City businessman Ephraim Ntaganda has once again been cited in grabbing land but this time its land  belonging to Nakasero government Primary School.

The contentious land is located on Plot 34 Kyadondo road and Plot 5C on Mackinon Road in Kampala where the school’s play ground is seated.

This has been revealed by the chairman of Nakasero Primary School Management Committee, Joel Bakawa Kalyesubula Sekabembe while appearing this  before the Land Probe chaired by Lady Justice Catherine Bamugemeire.

Sekabembe has said that  the then Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education Francis- Xavier Lubanga wrote to  Uganda Land Commission advising them to halt the pending  transaction between  MS Prestigious Apartment ltd owned by Ephraim Ntaganda and Kanabi Bob because the transaction  in which they wanted to acquire a lease on the said land  was fraudulent.

However the land  commission has learnt that Uganda Land Commission overlooked the letter to cancel  the fraudulent deed as directed in the Auditor General’s report and  went ahead  to  grant a 49 year lease of part of Nakasero Primary School  playground to Ntaganda.

According to Sekabembe, Ntaganda and Kanabi fraudulently  acquired the land  through Uganda Land Commission without consulting the school management Committee and stakeholders yet the land is owned and belongs to government.


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